Oh God…

Looking at photos of the real thing, and comparing them with my kit, I have begun to realize just how wrong the Glencoe kit really is. For one thing, all the corners on the kit superstructure are sharp, while on the real thing, they were gently curved, giving the ship it’s distinctive futuristic look. Further, the bridge is completely off, with oversized bridge windows and a generally “wrong” appearance. Fortunately, while surfing the web, I came across a set of hi-res plans, which will aid me in the (suddenly much more extensive) reconstruction of this classic kit. I have also placed an order for a pound of Aves Apoxie sculpt, since it looks like I will be doing a lot of scuplting! Let’s put it this way: my “Box scale” Revell DC-7C looks a lot less intimidating than this kit at the moment!

Addendum: it turns out the kit is also slightly out of scale, about 1/355 instead of 1/350. Oh well, at least my 350 scale railing and ladders will still work…

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